Community Engagement - DFSIN - SFL
Community Engagement
Everyone in our network strives to push the limits of their potential. We’re committed to helping our clients succeed, but also find time and energy to support various community causes. Many advisors within our organization are also very active in the community and donate their time to support local charities and programs.
Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer: The Desjardins Bolts are a team of dedicated riders from within our financial advisor family. They have been riding together as colleagues and friends for fives years and have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars towards a cancer research at Princess Margaret Hospital.
George Brown College: Our Managing Director, Al Roissl, wanted to encourage young people by establishing a scholarship in collaboration with George Brown College. The annual “Al Roissl Leadership in Financial Planning Award” offers $5,000 to the student with the highest grades in the financial planning program.
Client Appreciation Family Movie Events: In November 2013, we held our first client appreciation event. The crowd was treated to a private screening of Disney’s new animation adventure “Frozen” in its opening week. We have continued with the tradition of giving back to the community and hold this event annually in Mississauga, Scarborough and Thunder Bay.